

ผลงานที่ผ่านการคัดเลือกให้นำเสนอในงานประชุม Practical Knowledge for the Next Normal Era: An Upcoming Step of Ambulatory Medicine

นพ.วงศกร ลิ้มวงศกร - Newly diagnosed diabetes is associated with respiratory adverse outcomes of patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A retrospective study in Thailand

นพ.ณัฐโชค มหาไชย - The prevalence and the predictive factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosed by Transient Elastography in people with prediabetes

นพ.ธนวัฒน์ งามศรี - Innovation Vaseline Turmeric Gauze on the Treatment of Abrasions

พญ.กชพร ร่วมฤดีมาศ - Ambulatory Checklist Increases Internal Medicine Residents' Compliance with Preventive Services at Siriraj Hospital

พญ.วิธาดา ภากรนิพัทธ์ - A matched cohort study evaluating effectiveness of pragmatic preventive program to delay long-term progression to T2DM

พญ.นงนภัส อัศวมาศบันลือ - Incidence, Natural History and Outcomes of COVID-19 Infection Among Heart Transplant Recipients in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

นพ.ฐานิศร คำสวนจิก - The Prevalence of Slow Gait Speed and Its Associated Factors in Thai Older Patients at The Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic of Srinagarind Hospital

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